Zero “processed food” week

26% of global greenhouse gases are attributed to food chain supply. Processed food include any food that has been deliberately changed before we consume it. Processed food has its environmental costs. It takes away nutrients.

To grow food commercially on industrial scale, fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals are added. They all add to the woes of soil, water and air and make them toxic and hazardous. Processed foods contain all sorts of artificial ingredients and a lot of preservatives to increase the shelf life. Instead of processed food, local food is always suitable for local and staple condition. It is good for environment as it saves the cost of packaging and transportation to procure the food from far-off places. It adds to water and air pollution and greenhouse gas emission.

Home-cooked food which is much batter in nutrition, taste and cost, has smaller carbon footprints. It is advisable to read before you eat. Check the label and see how food has been processed and what types of preservatives are added. Don’t be duped by the advertising. In Jain way of life, to eat food very cautiously is highly promoted, which is good for environment, your health and to your pocket.

Take up the challenge and stay away from all forms of processed food for a week starting today. Avoid breakfast cereals, cheese, tinned food, cakes, biscuits, ketchup, burger, pizza, chocolate spreads, bread, buns, energy bars, fries, packaged drinks, jam, jellies, butter, mayonnaise amongst others. for a week and let us know at the end of the week how you fared. Be sure to record all that you ate and send us an email on –forms@appliedjainism.inand be an inspiration for others. Don’t forget to mention your name


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