Praise at least one person today

Ability to praise someone is inherently a result of our ability to overcome vices such as criticism, condemnation, narcissism or egotism. Praising people strengthens our core virtues such as patience, humility and promotes harmony within us. As a byproduct we also help others develop into better human beings by propagating joy and tolerance through the process.

Inculcating the habit of praising people also helps us stay steadfastly on the path of Aparigraha. We learn to appreciate, rather than compete and balance personal ambitions with collective progress. It helps us rein-in expectations and amalgamate ourselves with the environment rather than force changes.

Let’s make a start by observing and identifying the good in people and showering our praise on them.

Write to us about the your act of praise on our email id – and get a certificate. Make sure to mention your full name


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RD Consuntancy - Mumbai